Always start with strategy first. Go through the Circuit Interview and make extensive notes. The key to the questionnaire is not to skip any part. Our advice is to print it out, then lock yourself away (either alone or with a team) with a writing implement and work through the whole document. Don't miss out any questions, even if the answers seem obvious. Write something down, even if it's, "Not applicable".
The third step is to design your Marketing Strategy. Figure out which channels or techniques are likely to be most appropriate for your unique context. Do not set out to use every tool there is, that is a recipe for burning through your energy and resources! Pick what's in your sweet spot.
Finally, you can start to build. Use the advice from our growing library of interviews with guest experts to help you get the best return on your investment.
And remember, it may be best to get professional help in certain areas. If you are not comfortable or skilled with copywriting, video editing, or web design, it makes sense to hire someone who already has those skills. But having a clear strategy beforehand will make it far easier to get a great result!
For DIY Marketers: If you do your own marketing, this is absolutely perfect for you! Please take this system, use it, and tell us if you think it can be improved. The key, if you have limited resources, is to start with a solid strategy and not to try to do everything at once!
For Clients: If you hire other people to do your marketing, using people who'll use Open Source Marketing means you will both understand the process better, and be able to communicate it to other service providers.
For Marketing Professionals: Please adopt Open Source Marketing and use it with your clients. As part of this community, you have a team of other marketing pros alongside you, who can help at any point in a project, all using a common platform.
If you are interested in the origins of this project, check out Ben's original 44-minute presentation to his Inner Circle group from 2015, which an overview of why the world needs Open Source Marketing, and how OSM may be structured in the future.