Campaign Design & Delivery

One of the most common mistakes marketers and business owners make is to dive into executing marketing activity without having a comprehensive campaign plan in place.

Campaign design is the second critical phase of the Open-Source Marketing system. Its goal is to have a complete campaign that provides a thorough process for creating happy customers.

We do this through a series of six Campaign Steps.

The Six Campaign Steps

  1. Outreach: Generally raising awareness of the brand and its offers.
  2. Targeting: Directly identifying our target prospects and getting our message to them.
  3. Capture: Where possible, obtain the prospect's contact details, so that we can continue to market to them directly.
  4. Nurture: Fully communicate the benefits of our proposition, and try to resolve any objections, until the prospect is ready to buy.
  5. Close: Make the "sale" (which is not always a financial transaction).
  6. Continuity: Once we have a new customer, what else can we do to keep them happy?

You are advised to work through the Six Campaign Steps in turn, and follow the advice so that you craft your complete marketing campaign design.


There is a bewildering array of techniques (by which we mean channels, tools, platforms, and methods) available to today's marketer.

While marketing "gurus" and specialists in particular techniques will happily sing the praises of their current favorite tool, please never forget this rule.

No technique is right for every campaign! It always depends on your context.

And, unfortunately, there is little information available to help you decide which of these are right for your scenario and goals.

So Open-Source Marketing aims to help guide your options by providing free advice from our large team of marketing experts.

Campaign Delivery

Having a sensible and true strategy in place, together with a comprehensive campaign design will make your campaign delivery far easier.

Knowing your strategy means you are clear about where your brand and offerings sit in the market, and why your target market should care. You will have uncovered the compelling benefits of your offer, and have a good idea that you will be able to reach an audience that has a tangible problem that you can solve.

In carefully crafting your campaign design, you will have ensured you have put measures in place to reach, engage, nurture, and close your target prospects, selected the most appropriate channels and tools, and you will also have considered how to create the maximum value for each new customer.

Now you know what you want to achieve, and what you're going to do to get there, you are ready to go to market!

In the Campaign Delivery section, the Open-Source Marketing expert team provides you with our best advice on how to use each of the techniques (tools, channels, platforms, methods etc.) in the marketer's toolkit.


Looking for Experts

We are constantly looking for experts on specific techniques who can give interviews on

  1. When their particular technique is most appropriate, and
  2. How-to tips for employing that technique effectively.

If you have technique expertise from current, real-world practice, please get in touch to arrange an interview.

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  • Workbook is fillable, so you can save your progress.
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